olar power is a great sustainable alternative form of energy. The concept of using solar power to drive things like drip irrigation systems, which themselves are water-efficient and contribute significantly to conservation, is very appealing.
But it's not just the electricity you are saving. Solar irrigation systems can use rainwater that is collected in water butts. It means that in terms of conventional mains water, they are wholly independent; they don't use any - just the stuff the comes out of the sky! No mains water and no electricity. The eco warrior's dream.
This type of solar irrigation system is for the home gardener. However, similar technology can also be used by small scale farmers, but more about that later. Let's concentrate initially on the home gardener or landscaper.
Solar Irrigation and the Home Gardener
If you are a home gardener, you can install a solar irrigation system to water your flowers, shrubs, and veggies using water collected in a water butt. This sort of system can be used for watering containers, gardens, and hanging baskets. For people seeking to be as environmentally friendly as possible, this type of system is perfect.
Solar irrigation systems incorporate a state-of-the-art solar pump that automatically adjusts the amount of water it pumps. It delivers the most amount when the sun shines, which is precisely when your plants need it most. In addition, the programming will ensure that watering is never forgotten. It's the perfect solution to watering your plants when you're away on holiday.